.. include:: ../global.rst.inc .. _using-rsa-sha1: Using RSA-SHA1 signatures ========================= :: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICdgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmAwggJcAgEAAoGBALRiMLAh9iimur8V A7qVvdqxevEuUkW4K+2KdMXmnQbG9Aa7k7eBjK1S+0LYmVjPKlJGNXHDGuy5Fw/d 7rjVJ0BLB+ubPK8iA/Tw3hLQgXMRRGRXXCn8ikfuQfjUS1uZSatdLB81mydBETlJ hI6GH4twrbDJCR2Bwy/XWXgqgGRzAgMBAAECgYBYWVtleUzavkbrPjy0T5FMou8H X9u2AC2ry8vD/l7cqedtwMPp9k7TubgNFo+NGvKsl2ynyprOZR1xjQ7WgrgVB+mm uScOM/5HVceFuGRDhYTCObE+y1kxRloNYXnx3ei1zbeYLPCHdhxRYW7T0qcynNmw rn05/KO2RLjgQNalsQJBANeA3Q4Nugqy4QBUCEC09SqylT2K9FrrItqL2QKc9v0Z zO2uwllCbg0dwpVuYPYXYvikNHHg+aCWF+VXsb9rpPsCQQDWR9TT4ORdzoj+Nccn qkMsDmzt0EfNaAOwHOmVJ2RVBspPcxt5iN4HI7HNeG6U5YsFBb+/GZbgfBT3kpNG WPTpAkBI+gFhjfJvRw38n3g/+UeAkwMI2TJQS4n8+hid0uus3/zOjDySH3XHCUno cn1xOJAyZODBo47E+67R4jV1/gzbAkEAklJaspRPXP877NssM5nAZMU0/O/NGCZ+ 3jPgDUno6WbJn5cqm8MqWhW1xGkImgRk+fkDBquiq4gPiT898jusgQJAd5Zrr6Q8 AO/0isr/3aa6O6NLQxISLKcPDk2NOccAfS/xOtfOz4sJYM3+Bs4Io9+dZGSDCA54 Lw03eHTNQghS0A== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC0YjCwIfYoprq/FQO6lb3asXrx LlJFuCvtinTF5p0GxvQGu5O3gYytUvtC2JlYzypSRjVxwxrsuRcP3e641SdASwfr mzyvIgP08N4S0IFzEURkV1wp/IpH7kH41EtbmUmrXSwfNZsnQRE5SYSOhh+LcK2w yQkdgcMv11l4KoBkcwIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBpjCCAQ+gAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAZMRcwFQYDVQQDDA5UZXN0 IFByaW5jaXBhbDAeFw03MDAxMDEwODAwMDBaFw0zODEyMzEwODAwMDBaMBkxFzAV BgNVBAMMDlRlc3QgUHJpbmNpcGFsMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKB gQC0YjCwIfYoprq/FQO6lb3asXrxLlJFuCvtinTF5p0GxvQGu5O3gYytUvtC2JlY zypSRjVxwxrsuRcP3e641SdASwfrmzyvIgP08N4S0IFzEURkV1wp/IpH7kH41Etb mUmrXSwfNZsnQRE5SYSOhh+LcK2wyQkdgcMv11l4KoBkcwIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBBQUAA4GBAGZLPEuJ5SiJ2ryq+CmEGOXfvlTtEL2nuGtr9PewxkgnOjZpUy+d 4TvuXJbNQc8f4AMWL/tO9w0Fk80rWKp9ea8/df4qMq5qlFWlx6yOLQxumNOmECKb WpkUQDIDJEoFUzKMVuJf4KO/FJ345+BNLGgbJ6WujreoM1X/gYfdnJ/J -----END CERTIFICATE----- Whoa?! ------ Betchyoo weren't expecting that. Ha! "What's up with all that gibberish up there, man?" you ask. :: ____________________________________ / \ | | | Yeah, dude. I mean, up there! -^ | | | \____________________________________/ V You. =O That, my friend, is three friends. Wait, my grammar has left with the wind. "Three friends, huh?" Yep, three friends. They keep your privates private and your publics... err, they're not really worried about your publics. "Do these friends have names, man?" Yeah. They're: 1. RSA private key 2. RSA public key 3. X.509 certificate They're a happy couple. "One. Two. Three. Hmm. Oye, that's 3 of them. Couple? So, umm... how do they work? Somethin' to do with opensll yeah?" We'll get to this in a bit. Kinda, yes, and that's "OpenSSL," by the way. Why should you use public-key encryption? ----------------------------------------- Because it's harder. No, I mean it's harder for you to work with. And it also allows attackers to snoop into everything you're saying *after they're long dead and gone*. Consider a series of love letters Mr. Bunny sends to Mrs. Bunny. But the postman, Mr. Evil Fox, however, is a very cunning fox. He doesn't like Mr. Bunny, so he opens all of Mr. Bunny's letters and changes a few words before delivering them to trick Mrs. Bunny into thinking that Mr. Bunny is cheating on her. What Mr. Bunny sends:: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Dear Mrs. Bunny, | | | | I love you. | | | | Love, Mr. Bunny | | | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What Mrs. Bunny receives:: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Dear Mrs. Hippopotamus, | | | | I love you. | | | | Love, Mr. Bunny | | | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All thanks to Mr. Evil Fox. :: ____________________________________ / \ | | | Grrrrrrrr. >=|B | | | \____________________________________/ V Mrs. Bunny Mrs. Bunny is furious and scolds Mr. Bunny about all the letters Mr. Bunny never sent! Mr. Bunny is perplexed and rubs Aladdin's lamp to ask the genie for a magical lock. A magical lock with two keys: one to lock it and the other to open it. He gives the second key to Mrs. Bunny and only she can now open the envelopes that Mr. Bunny sends to her. Poor Mr. Evil Fox tries his best to open Mr. Bunny's letters, but can't anymore. Hooray! What Mr. Bunny sends:: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Dear Mrs. Bunny, | | | | I love you. Hooray! | | | | Love, Mr. Bunny | | | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What Mrs. Bunny now receives:: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Dear Mrs. Bunny, | | | | I love you. Hooray! | | | | Love, Mr. Bunny | | | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :: Mr. Fox -> ='( Mr. and Mrs. Bunny -> =B and =B Imagine public-key encryption to be the equivalent of having a lock with two complementary keys—that is, if you lock something with one key, only the other key can open it. So, RSA public-key encryption uses the notion of these two keys to secure your messages in a way that: 1. Ensures the messages that A and B exchange are **confidential**. 2. Ensures the message that B receives from A were **actually sent by A** and vice versa. 3. Ensures the messages that A and B exchange **aren't tampered with while in transit**. Now, using RSA-SHA-1 signatures shouldn't be as difficult to use as they are with OAuth. Therefore, we have tried to take the burden of implementing them away from you and made it as easy as possible for you to use this signature method. So how does OAuth use public-key encryption? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OAuth requires the use of SSL by clients when requesting token secrets from OAuth servers. Verifying the authenticity of the messages is handled by RSA-SHA-1 signatures. Here is what you have to do to use your RSA key-pair with OAuth: 1. You **share your public key** (an RSA public key or an X.509 public-key certificate) **with the OAuth provider**. 2. Sign your messages with your RSA private key (which you keep safe and don't share with anybody else including the OAuth provider) by telling the request building methods to **use** ``"RSA-SHA1"`` **as the signature method** and your **RSA private key as the client secret**. Easy, huh? The OAuth provider can now use your public key to verify the messages that you send to it after you sign them with your private key. That's essentially it. What does a key look like? -------------------------- A key can come in multiple formats. The PEM_, or Privacy Enhanced electronic-Mail, format is a commonly accepted format, and that is the one preferred by this library. Keys can be also stored in JSON formats as the one used by the Keyczar_ library. Have a look at the `Keyczar RSA private key format`_. Public keys that you generate are generally encoded into something called an X.509 public-key certificate. You can share either an RSA public key or an X.509 public-key certificate with your OAuth provider. Providers usually ask for an X.509 public-key certificate. RSA Private Key ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An example:: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICdgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmAwggJcAgEAAoGBALRiMLAh9iimur8V A7qVvdqxevEuUkW4K+2KdMXmnQbG9Aa7k7eBjK1S+0LYmVjPKlJGNXHDGuy5Fw/d 7rjVJ0BLB+ubPK8iA/Tw3hLQgXMRRGRXXCn8ikfuQfjUS1uZSatdLB81mydBETlJ hI6GH4twrbDJCR2Bwy/XWXgqgGRzAgMBAAECgYBYWVtleUzavkbrPjy0T5FMou8H X9u2AC2ry8vD/l7cqedtwMPp9k7TubgNFo+NGvKsl2ynyprOZR1xjQ7WgrgVB+mm uScOM/5HVceFuGRDhYTCObE+y1kxRloNYXnx3ei1zbeYLPCHdhxRYW7T0qcynNmw rn05/KO2RLjgQNalsQJBANeA3Q4Nugqy4QBUCEC09SqylT2K9FrrItqL2QKc9v0Z zO2uwllCbg0dwpVuYPYXYvikNHHg+aCWF+VXsb9rpPsCQQDWR9TT4ORdzoj+Nccn qkMsDmzt0EfNaAOwHOmVJ2RVBspPcxt5iN4HI7HNeG6U5YsFBb+/GZbgfBT3kpNG WPTpAkBI+gFhjfJvRw38n3g/+UeAkwMI2TJQS4n8+hid0uus3/zOjDySH3XHCUno cn1xOJAyZODBo47E+67R4jV1/gzbAkEAklJaspRPXP877NssM5nAZMU0/O/NGCZ+ 3jPgDUno6WbJn5cqm8MqWhW1xGkImgRk+fkDBquiq4gPiT898jusgQJAd5Zrr6Q8 AO/0isr/3aa6O6NLQxISLKcPDk2NOccAfS/xOtfOz4sJYM3+Bs4Io9+dZGSDCA54 Lw03eHTNQghS0A== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- RSA Public Key ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An example:: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC0YjCwIfYoprq/FQO6lb3asXrx LlJFuCvtinTF5p0GxvQGu5O3gYytUvtC2JlYzypSRjVxwxrsuRcP3e641SdASwfr mzyvIgP08N4S0IFzEURkV1wp/IpH7kH41EtbmUmrXSwfNZsnQRE5SYSOhh+LcK2w yQkdgcMv11l4KoBkcwIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- X.509 Public-key Certificate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An example:: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBpjCCAQ+gAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAZMRcwFQYDVQQDDA5UZXN0 IFByaW5jaXBhbDAeFw03MDAxMDEwODAwMDBaFw0zODEyMzEwODAwMDBaMBkxFzAV BgNVBAMMDlRlc3QgUHJpbmNpcGFsMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKB gQC0YjCwIfYoprq/FQO6lb3asXrxLlJFuCvtinTF5p0GxvQGu5O3gYytUvtC2JlY zypSRjVxwxrsuRcP3e641SdASwfrmzyvIgP08N4S0IFzEURkV1wp/IpH7kH41Etb mUmrXSwfNZsnQRE5SYSOhh+LcK2wyQkdgcMv11l4KoBkcwIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBBQUAA4GBAGZLPEuJ5SiJ2ryq+CmEGOXfvlTtEL2nuGtr9PewxkgnOjZpUy+d 4TvuXJbNQc8f4AMWL/tO9w0Fk80rWKp9ea8/df4qMq5qlFWlx6yOLQxumNOmECKb WpkUQDIDJEoFUzKMVuJf4KO/FJ345+BNLGgbJ6WujreoM1X/gYfdnJ/J -----END CERTIFICATE----- Making your own key-pair ------------------------ "Alright. I get it Sherlock. Now, how do I make my pair of keys to use with an OAuth provider?" You can generate your own self-signed X.509 certificate and private RSA key using the tools OpenSSL provides. You'll need OpenSSL_ installed for the following command to work at the terminal:: $ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -sha1 -keyout \ rsa_private_key.pem -out x509_public_certificate.pem Answer all the questions that the tool asks and you should be good to go. For more detailed information about generating X.509 public-key certificates, read: 1. http://www.ipsec-howto.org/x595.html 2. http://www.imacat.idv.tw/tech/sslcerts.html#reqform 3. http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/docs/auth/oauth.html#openssl .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2